In the movie "Admission," Portia Nathan, a Princeton University Admissions Officer, is unexpectedly confronted with her past when she visits a high school run by her old classmate John Pressman. John introduces her to a brilliant but troubled student named Jeremiah Balakian, whom he believes is Portia's long-lost son. Despite her initial reluctance to get involved, Portia becomes determined to help Jeremiah get into Princeton, even if it means risking her career.
Meanwhile, Portia's personal life is in turmoil as she copes with the recent breakup with her longtime boyfriend, Mark, and the revelation that he has impregnated another woman. As she navigates these challenges, Portia finds herself growing closer to John, who offers her a refreshing perspective on life and love.
Throughout the film, Portia is forced to confront her own secrets and desires, as she struggles to reconcile her professional ambitions with her personal life. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about family, love, and the true meaning of success.
"Admission" is a compelling and thought-provoking drama that explores the complexities of modern relationships and the challenges of balancing career and personal fulfilment. With an all-star cast and a compelling storyline, it is a must-see for anyone who has ever struggled to find their place in the world. So why not take a break from your busy schedule and join Portia on her journey of self-discovery? You won't regret it.