Richard Cooper is a successful and content man living with his loving wife, Brenda, and their two children in suburban New York. However, their sex life has stagnated, leaving Richard feeling frustrated and sex-starved. Despite occasionally fantasising about other women at work, he never acts upon his impulses.
Richard's self-control is challenged when an old friend, Nikki Tru, reappears in his life. Initially, Nikki claims to only want to be friends, but she begins to show up at his office in Manhattan, causing his coworkers to view him with contempt. Nikki starts to seduce Richard, which puts him in a difficult position.
Despite knowing better, Richard flies out of town with Nikki on an errand, where he gets beaten by her boyfriend. During their return journey, Nikki kisses Richard, but he quickly stops it. When Richard arrives back in New York, he discovers that he is too late for an important sales presentation, which costs him a lucrative contract and almost his job.
Richard continues to pursue Nikki, but the tension between them causes problems with his wife. Eventually, Richard breaks things off with Nikki, and his marriage slowly begins to improve. Months later, Nikki shows up at Richard's office unannounced and confesses that she is engaged to another successful man, but she is not in love with him and refuses to settle.
Nikki tells Richard that they would be happy together, but he realises that his life is not just about what he wants. Despite his conflicted feelings, he decides not to consummate his attraction to Nikki when he visits her apartment. Instead, he walks out, understanding that he cannot choose whom he loves in life, but he can choose how he loves.
Richard returns home and surprises his wife, and they start rebuilding their relationship with the possibility of a better future ahead. Don't miss this amazing film!