“Pride” is a heartwarming film that showcases the power of community and solidarity in the face of adversity. The movie brilliantly portrays the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners campaign, which aimed to raise funds to support striking miners in 1984.
The film highlights the challenges faced by the LGSM campaign, such as opposition from both the mining and gay communities. However, it also showcases the strength of character and persistence of the campaigners, who eventually won the miners' support.
The film features a talented cast that delivers strong performances, particularly Bill Nighy as a miner's union leader, Imelda Staunton as a Women's Support group leader, and Ben Schnetzer as the young gay activist, Mark Ashton. The movie is touching, with moments of humour and heartbreak that keep viewers engaged.
"Pride" is a film that sheds light on an important moment in history and the impact of the LGSM campaign. It shows the power of solidarity between different communities and highlights the importance of political activism in fighting for human rights. The film's message is relevant and timeless, resonating with viewers even today.
With its exceptional performances, touching storytelling, and powerful message, it is a film that will stay with viewers long after the credits roll.